As we reach the halfway point in the criminal trial of the Continental Wealth Management and Premier Pension Solutions companies, I regret I am unable to give a detailed update on the case at this point. The first half of the eight defendants have been cross examined by the judge’s lawyer, and the second batch of four further defendants are due to be cross examined on 7th April 2020 (in the Denia Court of First Instruction).
This, of course, assumes there is no disruption to the proceedings caused by the Corona virus lockdown.

The first “batch” consisted of Patrick Kirby – Darren Kirby’s brother – who ran the CWM cold calling operation which sent so many hundreds of victims to their doom; Anthony Downs; Dean Stogsdill and Neil Hathaway who had various different titles at different times – ranging from Managing Director to Operations Director to Investment Director.
I can’t comment on the transcripts of the questions and answers on 24th and 25th February, and won’t be able to publish the full details of all cross examinations until all the defendants have appeared before the judge. The defendants on 7th April will be:
- Jody Smart – sole director and shareholder who paid herself over 1 million Euros in the last two years of the life of CWM – the money being paid into her two other businesses: property company Mercurio and fashion design company Jody Bell. In addition, she also paid money into her Grant A Wish “charity” and drew a hefty salary.
- Paul Clarke – founder of the original CWM company in partnership with Darren Kirby; Clarke left a year later to run AES International Spain, where he scammed more victims out of their life savings with expensive, unnecessary, illegally-sold insurance bonds, and high-risk structured notes – all sold for the fat commissions (despite the even fatter losses suffered by the victims). He also advised two victims to go into Stephen Ward’s Ark scam. Clarke now runs a firm called Roebuck Wealth and has scrubbed the internet of all trace of his history.
- Darren Kirby – founder along with Clarke and ultimate controller of the whole CWM operation throughout. Kirby made every attempt to divest himself of all legal responsibility for CWM. He gave away his shares in the company to his business/civil partner Jody Smart, and some of his employees. However, all the defendants (as well as victims) are bound to confirm Darren Kirby was the ultimate boss and controlling mind of the company.
- Stephen Ward – owner of Premier Pension Solutions SL. He was the person who signed off all the CWM clients’ pension transfers (for a fat fee). He knowingly condemned all pension holders whose transfers he signed off to inevitable partial or total loss. He was fully aware of CWM’s modus operandi as he himself used a similar investment model to that of CWM (and had taught them how to do it). Ward was routinely investing his own clients’ funds in a toxic, disloyal and irresponsible manner which was as bad – and sometimes even worse – than in the CWM cases.
As soon as I can publish the cross examination transcripts and further directions, I will do so.
This landmark Continental Wealth Management criminal case will inevitably shine a much-needed spotlight on the issue of offshore financial services generally. CWM was just one example (albeit an extreme one) of an international financial services culture which generally disadvantages and/or defrauds consumers. The cause of this culture is a combination of the obsession with the insurance bond cartel: OMI, SEB, Generali, RL360 et al; the total reliance on (hidden) commission; the practice of churning (investing the same sum of money as often as possible to generate as much commission as possible) and the view that the client’s money and interests are secondary to the adviser’s.

Most victims – whether parties to the criminal proceedings or not – are aware of the demise of CWM in September 2017. The company was slowly dying because of the number of victims the CWM scammers had ruined: the word was getting out (which was bad for business) so the victims who shouted loudest were getting paid off. This was having a seriously detrimental effect on CWM’s cashflow.
The financial strain on the business was, however, made even worse by the fact that every last bit of spare cash in the CWM bank account was being used to keep Jody Smart in houses, frilly frocks, shoes and champagne. In 2017, the CWM bank statements show 158,614 EUR was transferred into her Mercurio property company bank account, and 123,400 EUR into her Jody Bell fashion design company bank account. But this was significantly down on the previous year: 386,921 EUR to Mercurio and 164,000 EUR to Jody Bell. The year before, 2015, 124,500 EUR into Mercurio and 39,000.00 into Jody Bell fashion. That’s almost 1 million EUR in two years pocketed by Jody – not counting the money paid into her Grant A Wish “charity” and her generous “salary”.
During the same period, however, the revenue was at least 3,391,876.28 EUR in commissions from insurance bonds and structured notes. On top of this was a substantial amount of extra secret commission from the ultra-high-risk Leonteq structured notes, plus whatever Darren Kirby could con out of victims such as Mark Davison (who subsequently died penniless) and the other claimants pursuing Kirby and CWM through the criminal court in Denia in separate proceedings which pre-date our Pension Life proceedings.
Looking back to the dying days of CWM when cashflow was slowly grinding to a halt as the company was paying out compensation to some of the worst-affected victims (and any remaining cash was being spent by Jody Smart on first-class flights to New York and champagne in five-star hotels – despite her claim to be working 24/7 on her Grant A Wish charity), there was a plan to “reinvent” and re-launch CWM. It eventually dawned on the CWM scammers that they couldn’t scam enough new victims quickly enough to pay out all the existing victims – so the answer was to start afresh with a brand new approach. The new approach was essentially the same as the old approach – except they aimed to sell more “products” and ruin more victims.
The rest is history and CWM collapsed at the end of September 2017 – when all related parties withdrew terms of business. It is worth taking a careful look at the business plan which CWM had been intending to use to re-launch the business. This plan makes it clear that this was an unlicensed, insurance bond sales outfit which intended to continue to operate in contravention of the Spanish insurance regulations. If you read the plan carefully, you will see that CWM operating model was always based on a high-pressure sales target which ignored the interests of the clients (victims).
CWM’s promotion had always been centered around the iniquitous cold call – but in addition the business plan reveals that Jody Smart’s Grant A Wish “charity” events had been used to “harvest” potential victims at scamming sales parties posing as bona fide fundraising efforts.
Read the below CWM “Relaunch Business Plan” carefully and you will see how the scam works. If a victim transfers a £100,000 pension, it will fall in value in the hands of CWM to £91,976,000 by the end of year 1. This means the first year fees would have totalled £4,000 set up fee plus £1,000 annual management fee to CWM; £1,490 QROPS fee; £1,534 to fee OMI. It is interesting that Stogsdill has made the assumption in the plan that all clients will be put into an OMI bond – long before they’ve even met the client and found out if they actually need an insurance bond (which they never do as they are too expensive and lock investors in for up to ten years).
The CWM “plan” shows how a victim’s fund could recover back up to £97,495 if it grows by 6%. But this doesn’t take into account the investment costs of between 5% and 8% – so that was never going to happen. So Dean Stogsdill of CWM – despite all the lessons which should have been learned from years of destroying victims’ funds, still fully intended to keep on doing the same to as many new victims as possible.
Continental Wealth Management Business Plan 2017 (by Dean Stogsdill)
Continental Wealth Management is an independent financial advice firm specialising in wealth management advice to English speaking expatriates throughout Europe – this statement is the key to CWM’s future success.
CWM must focus on expanding our circle of influence and create new business through strategic placement of data gatherers. We must take on the business of “hard targets”, created to allow the best we have to flourish, whilst removing the weaker members of the team by natural selection. This is not a system for solely the sales force, but for all aspects of the team including call centre operators, administration and directors.
CWM will have clear defined roles within the sales force with the addition of achievable, measurable targets on top of generous salaries which is the cornerstone of our payroll ethos. The business will flow from our Partners meaning the business can be closed efficiently and serviced by an experienced adviser who is well trained, knowledgeable and most importantly a “hungry individual”.
There is a simple calculation on £100,000.00:
£100,000 invested over 6 years in capital protected products will provide £6,250.00 in gross revenue.
£100,000 invested over 6 years in a fund yielding 3% per annum growth will provide £10,690 in gross revenue.
CWM is a financial services company founded in 2007 on the Costa Blanca. It is a company specialising in pension transfers, portfolio bonds, offshore investments and single premium investments. It is a non-regulated company which is owned and operated by the directors / shareholders and founder Darren Kirby. Recent investors are Timothy Benjamin, and Mark Davison with share capital having been distributed amongst these investors.
Directors / Shareholders
Founder / Majority Shareholder – Darren Kirby
Chairman – Neil Hathaway
CEO – Dean Stogsdill
COO – Anthony Downs
Key Personnel
Darren Kirby – He brings a wealth of experience in financial services with a keen head for figures and sales techniques. He has a strong view on the business and how it should be perceived by the clients, while strengthening our position through strategic investment decisions along with powerful leadership skills.
Neil Hathaway – Decades of experience in insurance and wealth management, he brings a strong personality and great sales skills with the qualifications to match. He is a knowledgeable asset to the management of the sales force and uses his skills to bring through the less experienced members of the team.
Dean Stogsdill – Strong sales record and up to date qualifications – he can sell at the most technical level and has a strong grasp of the investment market, regulation and products. Strong views on company direction.
Anthony Downs – Organised, driven and a sales record to match. He drives through the issuing business and captures all revenues and commissions in the most efficient manner. Anthony is key to the efficient stream of payments required for this business model.
Directors: Re-structure 2017
Darren Kirby
The final decision maker as majority shareholder means critical decisions will fall to him. A mandate to find new investors and revenue streams for CWM. An ambassadorial role and a creative thinker for the company, bringing fresh ideas on many aspects of the business both operational and non-operational.
Neil Hathaway
Key point of contact for the sales force. A remit to push the sales force to meet targets and close business. He will be in control of sales, possible bond lists as well as monitoring the business / LOA levels for each adviser. He will also have a key role in writing new business. This will be a target driven management position. All advisers will report directly to him.
Dean Stogsdill
Complete oversight of the business operationally with a close working relationship with the Chairman and COO. I will manage the company direction and overall development planning, strategies and high level management with department heads reporting directly to me. I will chair board meetings and deal with technical and regulatory planning. I will also be heavily involved in the efficient management of the investment book.
Anthony Downs
Full control of new business. A remit to drive through the revenues from written business to maximize the cashflow of the company. Target driven with targets based on company income needs, outstanding requirements and business written.
With the current admin levels and management restructure we should be able to easily handle up to 7 bonds per week, plus client after care, outstanding requirements, investment and re-investment. We do not hire any more administration in 2017. Although this will be adjusted if business levels exceed 7 bonds per week.
We are now a company where you perform, meet your target or you are replaced.
Of the 9 bond writers, we have 1 in France, 1 in Turkey, 1 in Portugal and the other 6 are in Spain. I believe that we need to build up the business levels so that 9 bond writers can meet a target of 30 bonds per man for the year or an average of 3 a month, based on a 10 month / 40-week year. This would mean a company wide total of 270 bonds, at our target average of €10,000 commission per bond that would mean turnover of 2.7 million plus trail of €300,000 meaning a total of €3,000,000 for 2017.
Call Centres – Cold calling with appointments made and revenue generated through call centres and call centres paid for on performance only.
Market history:
Historically we have concentrated on cold calling, Grant A Wish (“charity”) events, web videos, website and referrals from existing clients. The cold calling aspect is becoming more and more difficult and time consuming and other areas of marketing ourselves and our products must be found.
Competition – Blevins Franks; DeVere; Abbey Financial; Spectrum; Blacktower
Our average case size of £100,000 has costs associated with it as follows:
Opening | |||
| Initial Single Premium | 100,000 | |
| Total | 100,000 | |
| |
Charges | CWM | ||
| Initial CWM Set Up Charge | 4,000 | – |
| – | ||
| QROPS Set Up Charge and Annual Fee | 1,490 | |
| OMI Annual Management Charge | 1,150 | |
| CWM Annual Management Charge | 1,000 | |
| OMI Annual Administration Charge (paid Quarterly) | 384 | |
Total Expenses | 8,024 | 3,354 | |
| Net | 91,976 | |
| Estimated Growth 6% | 5,519 | |
Year End Balance | 97,495 | 99,789 | |
| ||
| – | – | |
| – | – | |
| – | – | |
| – | – | |
Balance on Fund | 97,495 | 99,789 |
This gives us a year 1 price point of 8.02% and an ongoing of 3.3%.
absolutely shocking disgusting and enlightening! These people will soon be getting exactly what they deserve. I hope the victims do too!
Hi, Susan,
I’ve just been notified of this scam involving CWM and Jody Smart. I worked with her latest Husband Franco Pearson previously known as Frank Pearson managing director of Sterling Asset Services in Romsey Hampshire years ago and he was in my opinion a narcissist who would promise a lot but deliver nothing but grief. He put the company into liquidation owing people money. Was there any outcome of this scam? Any information would be appreciated.
Kind regards, Geoff
How will the recent BBC Radio reports effect your ‘operation
Looks like you may be enjoying some post Corona Isolation your self
We’re you guys instrumental in bringing this to trail ?
If so can you help and explain how – can not see you or any mention of you on the court papers
Well done Angie for bringing this to trial. Fingers crossed the punishment fits the crime. We need to see more of this happening.
Nothing on any of the paperwork says Angie or PensionLife have or had any involvement in this courtcase – did a blog about it …. #
Please listen to the BBC Radio Report which explains what Angie and her team have been doing …. her ‘members’ complain that she has taken money and done …. nothing.
The case came to trial by itself did it?
Clearly NOT because of Angie Brooks eat al
Bob, where is the paperwork available to see to see if her name is mentioned on the court papers
The paperwork doesn’t mention my name because I am neither a claimant nor a defendant in the case. However, my lawyer – Antonio Bertomeu – wrote to the BBC: CONTESTACIÓN CUESTIONARIO BBC RADIO YOU AND YOURS, ANGIE BROOKS
Inbox x
[email protected]
Tue, 17 Mar, 09:18 (2 days ago)
to natalie.donovan
BERTOMEU abogados
En Moraira, martes, 17 de marzo de 2020
Dear Natalie
I am the lawyer leading the criminal complaint against several financial companies for the alleged falsification of documents and fraud committed on the savings of British citizens residing in Spain.
The defendants are companies run by British nationals based in Spain, and who, taking advantage of my clients’ good faith and lack of financial knowledge, convinced them to transfer their life savings to supposedly safe offshore territories, which they claimed were compliant with British regulations.
The Courts of Denia have admitted the complaint and are investigating the circumstances of the alleged fraud. The costs of the proceedings are being borne by Miss Brooks and not by the clients I represent. The first half of the defendants were cross-examined by the judge’s lawyer on 24th and 25th February; the second half are due to be cross examined on 7th April. I am sure you will appreciate that neither Miss Brooks nor I can answer any of your questions until after the latter date since this might prejudice these proceedings and the claimants’ interests.
As you will understand, professional secrecy and the data protection law oblige me not to reveal details of people or facts, but I can tell you in advance that I represent 17 British citizens who have lost GBP 2,548,177 in total between them.
I can also tell you about that:
1. Angie Brooks’ work has been essential in bringing together those who have been harmed and in proposing common action. It is impossible for each of them to go to court individually, because these supposedly financial companies have not only ruined them financially, but have also brought them to their knees healthwise, mentally and emotionally.
2. I am surprised at the inaction of the British authorities, which I have always admired for their diligence and speed. It is as if all this were not of interest to either the public authorities or the British courts.
3. Finally, I am struck by the questionnaire that was sent to Miss Brooks. I consider the BBC to be a serious and reliable medium, but from what I have read it seems that you are more interested in discrediting Miss Brooks than in finding out what has happened to your fellow countrymen who have lost most of their life savings, through the actions of unscrupulous people, who have taken advantage of them.
Furthermore, I understand that you have received confidential data that has been illegally obtained by third parties as a result of theft and violation of the secrecy of communications. You must not use any such information or data and are hereby formally warned of this. Otherwise, you will be violating data protection laws and providing undue support to people who have improperly and illegally obtained this information. By doing this, you will be assisting the defendants and disadvantaging the complainants.
I look forward to your comments, and I can tell you that as soon as it is legally possible, I will be happy to give you all the details of the huge fraud that has taken place in this ongoing matter. And of another case that we are about to present to the courts, also involving financial fraud. I invite you to monitor them seriously and continuously, so that with your help and support we can ensure that your fellow citizens are protected from falling into similar traps in the future.
In the meantime, please be informed that Miss Brooks was very keen to be interviewed, but I have advised her this is not legally possible under the present circumstances.
Yours sincerely
Antonio Bertomeu Valles
Head Office: Calatayud 39, Moraira
or Marques de Campo, 66, 11-D, Denia
Alicante España
Mobile & WhatsApp
0034 966490207
0034 639026449
Seems to be a lot of trolls on here that have no idea what they are talking about.
I find it interesting that the BBC only made a passing reference to the letter from the lawyer and ignored the fact that data was stolen. The lawyer also makes it clear that this will help the defendants in the case and yet, without further investigation, the BBC went to press.
On one of the Facebook forums, someone is openly declaring that she was responsible for the data theft that seems to have been given to a competing organisation that has, among its board, a member of the House of Lords that regularly appears on the BBC to pursue a personal agenda. That organisation is now emailing everyone on the stolen email list and copying in all the other victims’ email addresses on the same email who may well want to keep their identities private for fear of friends and family finding out what happened to them.
Bet the Beeb won’t report that!
Perhaps the anti-regulator blogs on here have upset some in high places?
Hi Angela, I see that you were on BBC radio the other day. It seems that they are insinuating that you are no better than the crooks you doth protest too much about!
Looks like they have seen through your bullying tactics…. Anyway I’m not just on to gloat, I think you should have stayed on the right path and stuck to taking on the crooks instead of living in their pockets. Finally what goes around comes around and just so you know, I was not one of your crooks but someone you did offend none the less.
This is a private criminal prosecution, initiated by lawyers acting for Pension Life.
I’m pretty sure Angie had something to do with it!
I have listened to the BBC program, and take a different view.
She charges very little for her service, and it’s up to her how she decides to fund Pension Life.
She doesn’t do nothing. This is an important case, which paves the way for similarly affected victims to pursue IFAs through the criminal courts.
Her work in naming and shaming the scammers is second to none. I don’t feel sorry for these scumbags one bit. They deserve it.
Crikey – you are very badly informed
Not calculating the extorted from IFAs and their firms and the back handlers collected from other institutions as the BBC clearly identifies – min membership is 300 a year
Angie , the Barrister, claims over a 100 active members – we can estimated approaching 400,000 K per year
Which Lawyers are prosecuting the CWM case – I am confident if we call them – as with all her previous claims- they will be surprised and shocked to hear that Angie is claiming this as hers
All the other firms you refer to will find that she has reposted all the blogs she took down.
Did you manage to get GCSE maths with those calculations?
Yeah, the court case was arranged by itself and no one instructed the lawyers 🙂
George, thank you for your reply.
I’d love to get into with you, but I’m very sorry, I really have no idea what you are on about.
Please feel free to reach out again, once you have worked out where you want to go with this.
Don’t let the naysayers get you down Angie, you’re doing terrific work!
Great work doing what exactly?? Show me ANYTHING she may have won on behalf of her many clients and I may agree with you.
It’s so sad to see this garbage. You have manufactured rubbish and mixed grains of truth with massive lies in order to line your own pockets through blackmail and extortion. Shame on you wicked women.
This vile woman has got what’s coming to her. She has been masquerading as a barrister and tax adviser. She knows little about financial services and has no license to do what she does in Spain. So sorry for the victims who were conned by her double standards.
I would like to know exactly who through joining Pension Life, Angela Brooks has successfully helped?
I have tried to find one case that she has been successful with but I have not found one.
Mags, any settlements would presumably be accompanied by a confidentiality agreement, so good luck with your research.
Sorry to dissapoint you Chris but she has not won anything with or without a confidentiality agreement!
Susan, thanks for your valuable input.
Although, there really is no need to apologise!
I would love to brief you on Angie’s dazzling work in representing my interests.
But that information would be… you guessed it….confidential.
Ignore these trolls Angie. We know you are doing great work.
Great work lining your pockkets with your members subscriptions ….. are you suggesting that the ‘PensionLife victims’ on the BBC interview, paying 1500 and 750 per year are lying?
Are you suggesting that MOMENTUM Penions, the trustees are lying ….
I have first hand information and evidence that ANGIE is not interested in the welfare of her members or their financial well being … happy ot take their money tho … she has been offered a number of options for her Members – relieving and improving their finances without charges or fees – did not take or offer this ‘help’ to the victims – because that would have cut off her revenue stream – happy to provide evedence at any time to any persons, lawyers or journalist.
the BBC interview confirms this, unsure how any one can interpret anything else, that ANGIE BROOKS is a running her own SCAM – and that she lies to the press and her ‘members’ – look forward to hearing of your ‘arrest’ and courtcase.
Yet another example of the BBC reporting misleading information as usual. Pay no attention Angie. Keep fighting the good fight!
The BBC do not as in, do not go to broadcast without running everything by their legal teams. I for one, therefore am confident that what they say is true. There are things afoot ‘mischievious’ , if clever enough an email say ‘@‘ will become apparent at ‘proton’ such as a ‘mail’ source. Interesting as there may be a bigger case against her. She is already subject to a court in junction which is in play, for the defamation she has used against others and thinks she can do with impunity. She believes she is untouchable due to living in Spain. I think she me be just as responsible for her actions as those living in the U.K.
Fat Oik? Are you talking about you or me?
For those of you supporting Angela Brooks, please show us one single piece of evidence where she has got any money back, for anyone, despite years and years of charging victims to join Pension Life? You don´t think that she only represents CWM victims, do you? What about all of the disappointed ARK victims? What about looking at the Blackmore Bond public page? Get your heads out of the sand, and read through years and years of her non-action, rather naively believing someone that you don´t even know otherwise you´ll sadly fall for yet another scam.
Are fees declared to the taxman in Spain or UK? Can’t find any accounts on the filing history of ACA Pension Life Limited on Beta Companies House in the UK. Where’d the money go?
Initially Angela Brooks was attacking Alan Gorringe ( Registered as the Financial Director of CWM ) & Darren Kirby, the sole Licence Holder and the only person authorised to invest CWM clients money.
Some of you may be wondering why Alan Gorringe, who had control via power of attorney on all bank accounts, does not appear on the list of those accused.
Let me enlighten you, he has a deal with Brooks to be excluded from any prosecution in exchange for information.
Sounds Familiar?
Which of the CWM scammers are you Pierre? Seems a lot of people are determined to undermine the court case here.
Yes ….
I am happy to approve all posts – good, bad or ugly. But I am not prepared to approve any more anonymous ones. Criticism – or disagreement – is fine. Just be honest about who you are. Please resubmit all your posts with your real name and email address and I will approve them.
Something is definitely amiss here. Alan Gorringe was my advisor and I thought that he was a major player in the CWM scam. Angie Brooks, please can you please explain why he is not a defendant in the court case that you say you are funding?? I find it very strange that he is not and it does not seem I am alone here.
The (somewhat complex) answer is that the list of defendants is an INITIAL list to establish the core of the crimes committed. When we submitted the complaint originally, we had to strike a sensible balance between making the case too complex for the judge to understand and risking her throwing it out because it was too difficult and obscure to understand. You must remember that there is no such thing as a trust in Spain, so Spanish law neither recognises nor understands trusts, trustees or the British version of pensions. It is not up to me or our solicitor to decide who the eventual list of defendants should be. It is up to the judge. As the case progresses, there will inevitably be a much longer list of defendants – and this will be as a result of testimony by both defendants and complainants, plus further evidence which is introduced along the way. The judge has already asked other parties not included in the initial list of defendants to provide evidence – and there may be a decision to include these parties as defendants. If there are people who look like obvious contenders for being on the list of defendants, it is for a good reason (neither frivolous nor partisan) and any decisions taken about who the first batch of defendants were was taken for sound legal reasons and in the interests of not just the lead complainants, but all the hundreds following behind them.
Why do you think its ok to make awful comments about people. Some of them have done nothing wrong and you are slandering them. A professional person would not do this. Can you publish your qualifications and licenses on this blog to reassure the victims.
Susan, anybody involved, whether directly or indirectly, is fair game.
Do you think pension scammers care much for professionalism?
Get real.
Last post I can find is April 2020. What has happened since then to the court case half started then halted because of corona virus?
We are still awaiting a new court date for the cross examination of the second half of the eight defendants. I will publish an update as soon as this date is available.
I am not wanting to join the vitriol brigade here and have a go at Angie because, like pretty much everyone, I am not in full possession of the facts.
However, I just want to point out a typo:-
“If a victim transfers a £100,000 pension, it will fall in value in the hands of CWM to £91,976,000 by the end of year 1.” Seriously? £100,000 becomes c. £92m by the end of year 1? Count me in!!
I think the last three zeros need to go …..