
Utmost Leonteq Fraud

Utmost Leonteq Fraud

Insurance bonds and QROPS continue to flourish with thousands of victims being defrauded into these arrangements every year. The Leonteq structured note fraud has now settled out of court and there is some limited compensation payable to victims of Utmost International’s investment scams.

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Pension Scams Explained

Every offshore pension scam starts with a “financial advisor”. Or, at least, a slick salesman posing as a financial adviser.   This person can also call himself a “wealth consultant” or “senior associate”. After the scammer pretending to be an adviser, the next player is the life office. More accurately described as a “death” office, this

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Pension Scam Investments

The world of pension and investment scams is dominated and driven by commissions on investments (usually unregulated). The scammers’ strategy is always identical: get the pensions away from the safety of a reputable pension provider and into the hands of a SIPP, a SSAS or a QROPS. One purported benefit of these types of schemes

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Brev at Bond Review has been doing the FCA's job for it for more than four years.

Goodbye Bond Review

Brev at Bond Review has been doing the FCA’s job for it for more than four years. He (or she) has warned the public on the excellent Bond Review blog about the dangers of investment scams in the form of “bonds”. While the FCA have sat around doing little of any use – except keeping

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Blackmore Global pension scam victim who cares

The following blog was written by Stephen Sefton: a Blackmore Global Victim who cares about pension scams. Stephen was scammed by David Vilka of Square Mile International Financial Services around six or seven years ago.  Vilka, who had neither qualifications nor a license to provide pension or investment advice, arranged the transfer of Mr. Sefton’s

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Who cares about Careys and the world of pension scams?

Pension scams have been destroying lives for more than a decade.  The scammers cause poverty, marriage breakdowns and even death.  Death caused by stress-related illness.  And death by suicide. A typical pension scam involves an unlicensed person pretending to be a financial adviser.  This is illegal.  But it goes on all the time, in the

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Death offices such as Quilter International should now also stand trial for their role in offshore pension and investment fraud

Fraud Trial Against Pension Scammers in Spain

The Spanish criminal trial of so-called “financial advisers” in Denia has exposed the widespread fraud routinely committed in offshore financial services for over a decade. This particular stage of this particular trial may be directed at just eight members of Continental Wealth Management and Premier Pension Solutions. For now. But the case – brought by

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Stephen Ward - well-known, serial pension scammer. The "architect" of the Ark scam and many others besides.

Vicious Circle of Stephen Ward’s and Dalriada’s pension scams.

January 28/29 2021 saw the cross examination of Stephen Ward in Pension Life’s criminal case in the Denia court. Ward gave the judge an elaborate explanation as to how and why none of the Continental Wealth Management pension and investment scams were his fault. Ward provided the pension transfer “advice” to hundreds of Continental Wealth

Vicious Circle of Stephen Ward’s and Dalriada’s pension scams. Read More »

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